How a Lawyer can Help a Commercial Trucker There are particular licenses necessary for jobs that require an individual to drive. A Commercial drivers? license, also known as a CDL is required by most states to drive professionally and is typically for many vehicles that transport harmful materials, cement trucks, garbage trucks, passenger busses, school buses, and semis.
There are some states have exemptions for those driving large vehicles in the following including the following categories:
? Military ? Airport transport
? Cotton hauling
? Emergency
? Ranch and farm It is understandable that drivers will most likely forfeit their CDL privileges if they cause severe traffic crimes like driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or in cases of vehicular homicide.
However, commercial drivers should also take measure and try not to commit the lesser traffic offenses. When the lesser traffic violations are committed, they can have dire consequences on a driver?s ability to earn a living and the ability to retain commercial driving privileges. Those who have a career as a commercial truck driver should choose the option of getting a lawyer when dealing with traffic violations. When a commercial driver is faced with defending his or herself against the word of a traffic officer, it basically comes down to who the judge is going to believe, the cop or the driver and 98% of drivers are usually found guilty. Sometimes,
Commercial trucker?s can be cash machines for struggling cities. California Truckers especially beware! California assigns 1.5 points to trucking traffic tickets, which really hurts a truck drivers CDL driving record. In addition, nearly 78,000 semitrailers were given citations for safety issues by California state inspectors and Highway patrolman last year alone, which resulted in giving a Banning inspection facility a no.#1 rating for the most violations written in the state. California is the most severe when handing out traffic violations, other cities will soon follow, noticing the revenue being generated from all those commercial trucking traffic citations.
A trucker?s livelihood is dependant upon their CDL license, which is why it is so important to protect their CDL driving records, which you can do by hiring a lawyer specializing in transportation law or for what ?truckers? like to call truck driver?s legal help. Reasons to Hire a Truck Lawyer A suspension of a commercial driver?s license is no a choice for most people who drive commercial vehicles because it means a significant inconvenience and may cost them their job. Often, in the case where there was a minor traffic citation given, the impact may have serious consequences on their CDL status. Commercial truck drivers are held to a higher standard than others who operate motor vehicles. A CDL traffic violation that carries minor penalties for a regular driver may carry serious civil and criminal repercussions in the case of a commercial truck drivers.
A conviction that is the result of things such as a DUI/DWI, reckless driving, or speeding can significantly affect the life of a commercial truck driver in the following ways:
? Issuance of jail time
? The loss of a CDL
? A substantial fine
? Loss of a job
? Points given on the driving record
Legal Representation Vital Fighting CDL traffic points and offenses on your driving record can be hard from the beginning if you are a commercial driver.
Only those who have non-commercial licenses are possibly eligible for defensive driving courses or deferred adjudication in lieu of surcharges or point accumulation. An Expert truck lawyer can inform you about the nuances and details of the law as it relates to your traffic citation.
The best defense against a negative impact to your ability to work as a commercial driver is to prevent getting CDL traffic offenses by driving within the state traffic laws, cautiously, and when the body has adequate rest. However, when there is a time you find that you are in the mist of a CDL traffic charge, receiving a truck lawyer?s counsel that has extensive experience in the area of CDLs and traffic violation offenses may be the key that allows you to continue with your commercial driving livelihood.
Your truck lawyer may be able to fight and keep commercial driving traffic violation off of your record, making negotiations with the prosecutor on your behalf, minimize the damage of your actions may have caused, and will fight for you aggressively if needed in court.
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