Thursday, October 13, 2011

Business Ethics of Capital Distribution and Creation of Investment ...

Business Ethics of Capital Distribution and Creation of Investment

??Business ethics of Capital Distribution???



International Socio-Economic Research Bureau,???

Chennai,India (E Mail:


??Man? is? born? free,? and? everywhere? he? is? in? chains.? Many? a? one? believes? himself? the? master? of? others,? and? yet? he? is? a? greater? slave? than? they. How? has? this change come? about? I? do? not? know?????

*? ?Rousseau, Jean Jacques ? ?The? Social? Contract? (p: 100)


? Economic? Slavery? and? Ownership? of? Capital:??????????????????????????????????????????????

Rousseau? reserves? no? hesitation? to? admit? his? inability? because? of? the? reality? that? he? witnessed? the? complications? that? deeply? rooted? in? the? premature? socio-economic? order existing? during? his? time.? But? in? the? midst? of? knowledge? explosion? at? present? I? can? deduce? the? reason? for? the? socio-economic? slavery? of? the? people.?? I? know? the? answer? for? the? slavery.? It? is? both? very? simple? and? highly? complicated? to? explain? in? the? present? context? of? permutations? and? combinations? of? socio-economic? orders.? The? answer? is? very? simple? on? the? fact? that? as? soon? as? the? man? surrenders? his? capital? to? a? few? capitalists? in? the? name? of? capitalism? or? to? the? ?State?? in? the? name? of? ?Socialism?? especially? after? industrial? revolution? man? has? become? slave? to? the? capitalists? or? the? ?State?.? On? the? other? hand? the? answer? is? very? complicated?? that? requires? deep? acumen? to? find? out? exact? faults? and? defects? that? have? deeply? anchored? in? each? and? every? segments? of? socio-economic? order? like? religion,? customs? and? conventions,? education,? law,? politics,? and? psychological? behavior? of? man;? these? socio-economic? segments? have? still? been? propelling? the? views? and? visions? of? man? to? surrender? his? capital? to? the? capitalists? or? to? the? ?State?? instead? of? retaining? it? with? himself? to? regain? ?the? economic? power? of? capital?? to? get? rid? of? any? kind? of? slavery.? The? surrender? of? capital? is? the? utter? ignorance? of? man? that? has? ever? been? witnessed? in? the? long? stretch? of? the? history? of? mankind.


A? new? kind? of? slavery? extensively? known? as? ?Economic? Slavery? came? to? surface? over? the? social? fabrication? during? the? Industrial? Revolution.? During? this? period? of? Industrial? Revolution? huge? machines? came? to? play? a? vital? role ?in? the? production? of? goods? and? services.? The? owners? of? such? huge? machines? i.e. capital? emerged? as? the? masters? of? the? society? and? the? rest? of? members? of? society,? a? vast? majority? of? workers,? turned? into? ?economic? slaves? ?in? all? the? capitalist? societies.


After? the? Industrial? Revolution? when? these? huge? machines? were? directly? owned? by? the? ?State?? the? same? workers? in? the? name? of? ?Socialism???? in? all? socialist? states.


This? is? the? process? of? slavery? what? Rousseau? says? that? man? is? born free? and? everywhere? he? is? in? chains.? How? do? we? have? to? shiver? into? pieces? these? ?chains? of? slavery?? which? are? still? binding? the? workers? physically? and? mentally?? even? in? all ?democratic? societies.? The? answer? perches? on? the?? elucidation? of? the? people? to? understand? ?What? is? Capital? Justice? or Business Ethic??? and? on? the? finding? out? an? ?economic? technique?? of? ?how? to? entrust? the? capital? directly? to? the? people? which? is? solely? created? by? them??


???????????????????? ?What? is? Capital? Justice??


I? venture? to? state? the? only? reasonable? approach? to? solve? any? problem? is? first? and? foremost? to? understand? the? problem;? and? to? understand? such? a ?problem? we? have? to? stand? under? the? problem?? with? perfect? view? and? vision? of? justice? and? without? being? a? traitor? to? our? own? conscience.? So? it? commands? me? to? keep? my? thought? perpetually? in? a? balanced??? attitude? without? taking? even? a? least? privilege? neither? towards? capitalism? nor? towards? socialism.? I? believe? myself? I? can? settle? with? this? pre-requisite? condition? before? writing? my? concepts? in? the? interest? of? justice? and? welfare? of? mankind.? And? now? let? me? define? the? idea? of? ?Capital? Justice and Business Ethic?


???The? Constitution? of? Natural? laws?? codifies? the? ?Economic? Justice?? being? the? basic? structure? of? economic? system? on? which? the? beautiful? elements? of? the? super-structure? of? a? well ? ordered? society? are? constructed?


Having? the? liberty? of? reason? I? wish? to? state? that? according? to? Economic? Justice of business ethic,? the? capital? of? a? country? is? created? by? the? people? and? for? the? people? and? hence? it? should? be? directly? owned? by? the? people?. ?Once? the? capital, which is now? owned? by? a? few? or? by? the? State? or? by? the? both,? comes? under? ?People?s? Direct? Ownership?,? consequently? each? worker? is? assured? a? direct? share? of? national? stock? of? capital.? It? leads? to? ?Each? Industry? for? All? and? All? Industries? for? Each?.? This? is? the? crux? of? ?Economic? Justice?.


?On? the? direct? ownership? of? capital? by? the? people? in? conformity? with? ?Economic? Justice? ,? a? new? economic? system? known? as? ?DEMOCRISM?? will? emerge? on? the? basis? of? ?Economic? Democracy?? demolishing? all? the? socio-economic? evils? that? are? futilely? pervading? in? every? economy? due? to? its? faulty? formulation.? For? the? sake? of? simplicity,? I? am? assuming? the? Capitalism? and? Communism? as? First? and? Second? theories? and? introducing?? my? ?Democrism?? as? ?Third? Theory?? to? differentiate? it? with? present? theories?.???

????????????????????Right? To? Own? One?s? Due? Capital according to Business Ethic:

The? ?Declaration? of? Independence?? of? United? States? of? America? proclaimed? on? 4th? July, 1776? states? as? follows:


?We? hold? these? truths? to? be? self-evident? that? all? men? are? created? equal,? that? they? are? endowed? by? their? creator? with ?certain? unalienable? Rights,? that? among? these? are? Life,? Liberty? and? the? pursuit? of? Happiness?.


With all? its? mighty? force? the? ?Declaration?? emphasizes? that? among? all? human? rights,? one?s? ?Right? to? Live?? is? supreme,? beyond? the? zenith,? that? cannot? be? forfeited? by? any? one? or? by? any? force? without? the? consent? and? confirmation of? Justice.? In? the? name? of? war? or? in? the? name? of? patriotism? or? in? the? name? of? religion? or? in? the? name? of? law? or? in ?the? name? of? caste,? creed? and? conventions? no? one? has? any? divine? or? earthly? authority? to? forfeit? one?s? ?Right? to? Live?? on? the? earth.? Even? if? a? man? dies? due? to? appalling? poverty? it? implies? that? the? man?s? ?Right? to? Live?? has? been? forfeited? and? the? whole? society? in? which? he? is? a? member? should? take? collective? responsibility.

In? the? modern? economic? systems? no? one? can? produce? whatever? he? wants? without? the? help? of? others.? On? the? introduction? of? division? of? labor? in? the? factory? system? of? production,? one? can? produce? only? a? particular? part? of? a? commodity? and? he? has? trained? and? educated? only? to? do? the? particular? job.? Under? these?? economic? conditions? one?s? ?Right? to? Live?? exclusively? depends? on? one?s? ?permanent? job? opportunity? or? one?s? ?Right? to? work?.? In? turn? one?s? job? opportunity? always? remains? as? a? dependent? factor? of? volume? of? capital? or? investment? flow.? If? the? volume? of? capital? becomes? insufficient,? one?s? job? opportunity? will? be? worst? affected? and? consequently? his? ?Right? to? Live?? will? be? confiscated.? Since? the? supreme? duty? of? every? civilized? society? is? to? provide? ?Right? to? Live?? to each ?and? every? member? of? it? and? moreover? the? ?Right? to? Live?? is? exclusively? depending? on? the? volume? of? capital,? the? society? should? honestly? and? justifiably? provide? and? allocate? a? due? volume? of? capital? to? uphold? all? its? members? the? unalienable? ?Right? To? Own? Due? Capital?? as? a? Fundamental? Right? to? ensure? one?s? ?Right? to Live?.? This? is? basic? concept? of? ?Capital? Justice?. (Upholding? equally? ?people?s? Direct? Ownership? of? Capital?? to? ensure? one?s? ?Right? to? Live?? with? dignity? and? security? is? the? basis? of? Capital? Justice?)



Generally? in? economics? we? classify? the? goods? produced? as? ?Consumption? goods? and? Capital? goods?? depending? of? their? usage? by? the? final? consumers.? If ?the? goods? like? ?cars?? are? used??? for? personal? usage? by? the? consumers? they? car? called? consumption? goods? whereas? if? the? came? cars? are? used? for ?hiring? purposes,? as? taxis,? to? earn? income? they? are? called? capital? goods.? I? am? not? erroneous? to? say? that? both? the? consumption? and? capital? goods? are? produced? by? the? workers? as? a? whole.? No? one? dare? enough? to? advocate? that? the? consumption? goods? are? produced? by? the? ?consumer-workers?? and? the? capital? goods? are? produced? by? the? ?capitalists?? or? by? the? ?State?,? in? capitalism? and? socialism? respectively.? Both? kind? of? goods? are? produced? by? the? workers? and? only? by? their? workers? according? to? their? ability? as? per? ?Work? Justice? (i.e. work? according? to? ability).


The? Wage? Justice? declares? ?Wage? according? to? Work?.? The? work? includes? the? production? of? both? consumption? and? capital? goods? as? a? whole.? But? the? workers? are? not? paid? wages?? to? equivalent? value? of?? the? volume? of? capital? and? consumption? goods? that? they? produced. Both? the? capitalists? and? communists? pay? wages? to? workers? equivalent? to? the? value? of? consumption? goods? only.? They? have? been? nakedly? exploiting? a? huge? volume? of? workers? wages? in? name? of? profit? by? which? they? purchase? capital? goods? which? are? solely? produced? by? the? workers.? No? one? has? derived? neither? ?divine? authority?? nor? ?temporal? authority?? to? forfeit? a? part? of? workers?? wages? in? the name? of? ?capital?? without? the? ?General? Will?? of? workers? or? legal? approval? of? working? class.


The? capital? not? only? possesses? huge? productive? capacity? to? produce? goods? and? services? but? also? possesses? enormous? ?economic? power?? like? nuclear? of? an? atom.? With? the? economic? power? both? the? capitalists? and? the? State? can? control? all? the? socio-economic-political? activities? of? the? working? class? and? subjugate? them? as? ?economic? slaves?? and? always? threaten? their? ?right? to? live?.

I? find? no? words? to? register? my? mental? agony? that a? great? ?distributive? injustice?? has? been? enforced? on? working? class? by? negating? distribution?? of? capital? against? legal? and? moral? grounds.? This? ?distributive? injustice?? exhibits? the? inherent? defects? that? have? been? deeply? rooted? in? our? economic? systems.? Invariably? all? the? economic? and? social? thinkers? have? fiercely? demonstrated?? such? defects? and? distributive? injustice.? For? instance? John? Maynard?? Keynes,? who? is? still? considered? to? be? the? most? intelligent? among? the? economic? thinkers, writes? in? his? revolutionary? book,? ?The? General? Theory?? as? follows:


??The? outstanding? faults? of? economic? society? in? which? we? live? are? its? failure? to? provide? for? full? employment? and? its? arbitrary? and? inequitable? distribution?? of?? wealth? and? income?


Keynes? has? established? thought? in? his? words? and? justifiable? views? in? his? vision? that? the? capital? too? should? be? equally? distributed? among? the? people? to? rectify? the? grave? faults? of? our? economic? systems.? I? dare? to? say? if? both? the? consumption? and? capital? goods? are? distributed? among? the? people? in? satisfaction? of? justifiable? views? and? visions? of? Keynes,? it? would? beyond? all? doubts,? lead? the? society? for? the? establishment? of? ?Democratic? Economy?? or? ?DEMOCRISM?,? a? new? economic? system? which? I? advocate? for? the? establishment? of? an? ?Ideal? Society?.


It? will? be? the? ultimate? fact? that? when? the? capital? is? distributed? among? the? people? in? coordination? with? ?Distributive? Justice?? ?All? Industries? will? be? owned? by? Each? Worker? and? Each? Industry? will? be? owned? by All? Workers?.? In? the? establishment? of? such? industries? neither? the? capitalists? nor? the? state? would? be? allowed? to? claim? any? capital? ownership.? The? creation? of? all? the? industries? would? be?? ?by? the? people, ?for? the? people? and? of? the? people?? This? would? be? called? as? ?Democratic? Economy?? or? ?DEMOCRISM?? -? The? Third? Theory -? assuming? Capitalism? and? communism? are? first? and? second? theories.??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????

?Understanding? of? Capital? Justice? or? Democrism i.e Business Ethic:?????????????????

The? crux? of? the? problem? of? understanding? ?DEMOCRISM??i.e business ethic,?rests? on? the? two? theoretical? pillars :?? Firstly? the? process? of? distribution? of? national? Capital? (i.e. Capital? Stock? of? a? nation)? to? the? people? and? secondly? the? creation? of? ?new? investment?? of? the? people,? by? the? people? and? for? the? people.?


The? distribution? of? national? capital? will? ensure? the? people? the? ?Economic? Justice?? of? ?Each? industry? for? all? and? all? industries? for? each?? and? the? ?creation? of? new? industry?? will? enable? the? working? class? to? contribute? a? share? of? their? wage? in? the? form? of? ?share?? for the? establishment? of? new? industries? in? which? a? worker? will? have? a? share? in? all? industries? and? all? the? workers? will? have? a? share? in? every? industry? to? uphold? ?Investment? Justice?.? I? will? explain? the? ?Investment? Justice?? in? forth? coming? chapters.


First? let? me? explain? the? distribution? of? national? capital? to? the? people? for? the? establishment? of? ?Democracy? in? Economy?? i.e.? the? ?Economic? System? of? Democrism? (The? Third? Theory)? with? an? hypothetical? example.

Capital ? Output? Ratio:? Suppose? the? national? capital? of? country? amounts? to? $ 3,000? billion? with? the? help? of? this? capital? stock? the? country? produces? $ 1,000? billion? worth? goods? and? services.? It? indicates? the? Capital : Output Ratio? of? the? country? is? 3 : 1. In? other? words? in? order? to? produce? $ 1 dollar? of? goods? the? country? requires? $ 3? dollar? worth? of? capital.?????????????????????????????????????????

Again? let? me? assume? the? annual? income? of? a? ?hypothetical? worker?? is? 0,000? and? he? spends? all? his? income? for? the? purchase? of? consumption? goods.? Since? the? capital : output? ratio? is??? 3 : 1?? for? the? production? of? $ 100,000? worth? of? consumption? goods,? $ 300,000? worth? of? capital? goods? would? have? been? used.? Similarly? according? to? the?? total? income? of? all? the? workers? a? capital? stock??? should? have? been? used? three? time? of? income.? Generally? speaking? for? the? production? of? a? particular? amount? National? Income,? a? particular? volume? of? Capital? stock? would? have? been? used? and? it? determines? Capital? :? Output? Ratio.? This? Capital? Stock? is? legally? entitled? to? the? workers? only? but? it? has? been? fallaciously? handed? over? to? a? few? capitalists? or? the? State.? This? is? fallible? of? infallible? justice.? In? order? to? uphold? ?Economic? Justice?? the? capital? stock? also? should? be? distributed? to? all? the? workers? according? to? capital? :? output? ratio.? This? mode? of? proportional? distribution? of? national? capital? to? all? the? workers? will? guarantee? and? ensure? an? active? powerful?? ?Economic? Democracy?? among? the? people? than? the? passive? and? week? ?political? democracy?? to? protect? one?s? liberty.?


In? the? modern? production? system? since?? ?the? capital?? has? occupied? the?? position? of? hub? in? the? production? process? of? consumption? goods? and? services? and? moreover? it? determines? one?s? ?right? to? work?? and? ?right? to? live?? no? worker ?is? entitled? to? merchandise? his?? capital? to? other? workers.? No? worker? is? permitted? to? hold? a? share? of? capital? more? than? his? country?s? ?capital : output? ratio?.? Marketing? of? capital? share? in? democratic? economy? is? forfeited? because? of? the? fact? it? will? lead? to? sell? one?s? ?right? to? live?? ?right? to? work??? ?economic? security?? and? ?economic? equality?.? Justice? warns? man? not? to? sell? economic? liberty? even? if? he? sells? political? liberty.


Distribution? of? Capital and Business Ethic:? Capital? is? inseparable? block.? It? cannot? be? divided? into? convenient? parts? to? distribute? to? the? workers? according? to? their? wage-income.? It? forms? huge? industries.? The? workers? can? only? claim? a? ?capital? right?? in? the? national? capital?? stock? and?? a?? ?dividend-income?? according? to? their? share? of? capital.? The? capital? goods? cannot? be? distributed? to? the? workers? as? consumption? goods.? But? every? worker? can? claim? a? certain? value? in? the? national? capital? to? ensure? their? capital? right.? The? value? of? capital? would? be? distributed? to? the? workers? equally? or? according? to? their? income.? The? distribution? of? capital? is? just? a? ?book-keeping? entry?? to? assure? every? worker ?that? they? have? a? capital? right? in? the? national? capital.


Every? worker? will? have? a? ?Capital? Account?? in? his? bank? and? a? ?capital ? share-value?? according? to? his? annual? income? will? be? credited. ?The? workers? will? be? strictly? restricted?? to? bargain? his? ?share? of? capital?? to? other? workers? as? it? is? now? practiced? in? the? ?share-market?. The? ?share-gambling?? involved? in? the? share? market? would? be? completely? abolished.? On? the? other? hand? there? will? be? only? ?commodity? market?.? Since? one?s? share? of? capital? represents? one?s? ?right? to? live?, ?right? to? work?? and? economic? liberty? and? security? the? sale? of? capital? will? not? be? permitted? at? any? cost? in? the? ?People?s? Direct? Ownership? of? Capital?? i.e. ?Economic? Democracy?.????????????

In? the? distribution? of? national? capital? to? the? people? the? ?capital : output? ratio?? would? be? taken? as? guideline? to? ensure? ?capital? to? each? worker? according?? to? his? wage?.? Right? from? ordinary? village? workers? to? the? top-most? managing? director? of? a? huge? company? the? ratio? would?? be? strictly? followed? in? the? capital? distribution? as? it? preserves? ?distributive? justice?.? No? one? would? be? afford? undue? advantage? to? claim? more? capital ? share? than? the? one?s? income? ratio.? The? aggregate? national? capital? would? be? distributed? to? all? the? people? without? any? discrimination? of? one?s? labor.? This? is? the? idea? of? ?Democrism?? i.e.? ?Economic? Democracy?.? I? wish? to? take? liberty? to? express? such? kind? of? distribution? would? uphold? the? noble? concept? of? ?Capital? Justice?.


Mahatma? Gandhi? emphasizes? this? capital? justice? in? his? own? fashion? of? spiritual? style ?as? follows:


?We? should? aim? at? getting? only? what? the? rest? of? the? world? gets.? Thus,? if? the? whole? world? gets? milk,? we? may? also? have? it.? We? may? pray? to? God? and? say : ?O? God, if? you wish? me? to? have? milk, give? it? first? to? the? rest of? the world?*

-*Gandhi. M _ ?Speeches? and? Writings? of? M. Gandhi? (p:384)


If? any? one? wishes? to? portray? his? argument? that? the? above? example? presented? by? Gandhiji? in? the? distribution? of? milk? can? only? be? coordinated ?to? the? ?distribution? of? income?? but? not? the? ?distribution? of? capital ? wealth?,? Gandhiji?? replies? them? as? follows:


?Earn? your? crores? by? all? means.? But? understand? that? your? wealth? is? not? yours;? it? belongs? to? the? poor.? Take? what? you? require? for? your? legitimate? needs,? and? use? the? remainder? for? society ??But? I? have? visions? that? the? end? of? this? war? will? mean? also? the? end? of? the? rule? of? capital.? I? see? coming? the? day? of? the? rule? of? the? poor,? whether? that? the? rule? be? through? force? of? arms? or? of? non-violence?. **

???????? **- Gandhi. M : ?Harijan?, Feb. 1, 1942


The? views? and? visions? of? Gandhiji? are? placidly? warning? the? capitalistic? society? that? the? capital ? wealth? should? be? honestly? handed? over? to? the? people? within? the? frame? of? supreme? justice;? otherwise,? he? cautions,? that? the? poor? would? take? even? the? deadly? arms? to? uphold? their? legitimate? right? to? own? their? capital? through? non-violence? as? the? ?rule? of? poor? through? bullet?? instead? of? ?rule? of? poor? through? ballot?? that? could? be? the? only? solution? for? all? evils? suppressing? the? poor.


Now? I? explain? the? basic? concept? of? Democrism? in? ordinary? terms.? In? Democrism? In? Democrism? in? order? to? ensure? a? sense? of? security? regarding? the? ?capital? ownership?? in? the? minds? of? every? worker,? ?a? capital? account?? would? be? opened? in? his? name? and? his? legitimate? due? capital? would? be? credited? in? his? capital? account.?


The? capital? in? the? view? of? a? common? man? may? look? like? a? commodity? as? machines? and? factory? buildings.? But? it? is? not? so? in? real? sense.? The? capital? contains? in? its? core? an? enormous? ?Economic? Power?? only? by? which? one? can? save? and? ensure? one?s? ?right? to? live?? in? the? world,? which? is? valued? as? supreme? right? of? all? the? socio-economic-political? rights.? No? worker,? therefore,? would? be? permitted? to? sell? or? buy? one?s? share? of? due? capital.? Capital? is? not? a? marketable? commodity? because? if? the? sale? of? capital? ?in? the? form? of? share?? is? allowed? among? the? workers,? it? is? nothing? but? allowing? the? workers? to? sell? their? ?right? to ?live?,? ?economic? liberty?,?? ?economic? equality?,? ?economic? security?? and? so? on.? The? sale? of? capital? would? lead? the? workers? towards? their? economic? slavery;? no? political? revolution? can? uplift? them.? That? is? why? Rousseau? says? in? his? Social? Contract ;? ?Man? is? born? free? and? everywhere? he? is? in? chains?


It? is? Universal? law? that? the? natural? force? of? all? evolutions? is? to? lead? all? imperfect? systems? towards? their? perfection? overcoming? one? hindrance? after? another? hindrance? in? its? process.? If? the? hindrances? are? many? and? powerful? the? natural? force? of? evolution? will? consume? more? span? of? time? to? overcome? them.? ?Perfection?? is? the? law? of? nature;? and? ?Evolution?? is? its? mechanism.? As? per? the? ?natural? force? of? evolution,? the? capital? should? be? owned? by? all? the? workers? to? attain? its? perfection? and? to? uphold? capital? justice.? In? this? context? we? know? that? our? economic? systems? are? crippled? with? imperfection? and? struggle? hard? to? move? towards? perfection? and? therefore? we? have? no? other? alternative? except? to? wipe? them? out? not? to? plunge? the? world? into? destruction.

As? a? matter? of? fact? if? both? the? imperfect? capitalism? and? socialism? want? to? move? towards? their? ?perfection?? as? a? rule? of? nature? they? have? to? restore? the? ?capital?? to? people? and? to? ensure? ?People?s? Direct? Ownership? of? Capital?? the? ultimate? end? product? of? perfection? in? the? formation? of? economic? systems.? The? People?s? Direct? Ownership? of? Capital? would? be? out? of? all? theoretical? and? moral? contradictions? and? constitute? a? perfect? economic? system? known? as? ?DEMOCRISM?.? On? the? establishment? of? Democrism? the? capital? will? be? owned? neither? by? a? few? capitalists? as? in? Capitalism? nor? by? the? State? as? in? Socialism? but? the? people? of? all? the? countries.? This? ?People?s? Ownership? of? Capital?? will? be? the? rule? of? the? nature? and? the? natural? force? of? evolution? of any economic? system. Nobody? or? no? power? in? the? world will? oppose? it.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????



Director, International Socio-Economic Research Bureau, India


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