Sunday, March 25, 2012

Surprising Natural Allergy Relief Solutions | Fitness and Health Tips ...

By Felix Poppell

For those of us who suffer from the sneezing, sniffling and sometimes debilitating symptoms of an allergy, having all natural allergy relief options is a great thing. An estimated 40 million people suffer from the symptoms of allergies as well as additional issues resulting from them, such as lost work and reduced productivity. This makes natural options in allergy relief of real importance.

Functioning with the itchy watery eyes, runny nose, stuffy head, and painful sinuses is hard and made more difficult by the effects of drowsiness caused by most medications. People look for natural remedies because they want the relief but they don?t want the side effects of these medications. However, not everyone tries or even knows about many of the surprisingly simple solutions available for dealing with the symptoms drug-free.

Change Your Diet
What you eat is the foundation of your health and plays a huge role in how well your immune system works.

? Add plenty of deep hues and brightly colored fruit and vegetables to your diet. Produce with the richest colors contain the highest amounts antioxidants, which fight off free radical damage to cells that weakens immunity. They are also high in vitamins C and E, which have anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve swelling in the nasal passages.
? You will also want to consider eating less sugar, wheat, dairy and preservatives during allergry season. These are all known to cause excess mucus, increased congestion, nasal irritation and increase sensitivity to pollen.
? Another step is to include more foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids like fish and nuts because Omega-3 helps to reduce inflammation.

Make it Hot
If you love spicy foods, you are in luck. Foods that have a lot of hot spices increases blood flow which brings more oxygen to the nasal passages which helps to thin and get rid of mucous.

Sweeten it Up
Locally raised raw honey contains the pollen of local flora and fauna. Eating a couple of tablespoons every day can help your body become adapted to them which can reduce your symptoms dramatically.

Unprocessed cacao reduced allergy symptoms significantly. Even though the unprocessed cacao is quite bitter, the benefits are worth it since processed cacao isn?t nearly as effective.

There are a variety of herbs and herbal supplements recognized as beneficial in the control of allergy symptoms. Some of the common ones include:

? Stinging Nettle, which acts as a natural antihistamine.
? Sodium Selenite, which helps boost the immune system.
? Fenugreek, which eases congestion.
? Aloe, which soothes irritated mucus membranes.

With very little effort and incorporating a few changes to your diet natural allergy relief is well within reach for millions of sufferers.

Felix Poppell was tired of fighting his symptoms every year so he found natural solutions for allergy relief that worked year round. Pharmaca has the relief you need this season with Bioron, Benadryl allergy medication and much more.

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