Sunday, May 15, 2011

Public Speaking Crush It! ? Home Study Course - Review of Reviews ...

Public Speaking Crush It! - Home Study CourseBut your fear of public speaking is very real. The dry mouth. The butterflies in your stomach. The nervousness.

And your fear is holding you back from being the successful public speaker and the successful business person that you deserve to be.

What is holding you back from being able to skillfully and successfully communicate your passion and your message?

If you knew the secrets used by professional speakers to calm their nerves, you can give an animated and exciting speech.

Get this interview with public speaking expert Terri Harley and discover 7 quick tips for overcoming your fear of public speaking.

I?m giving you this audio interview and transcript to you for free because I?m basically trying to bribe you to try out my new Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course.

I know that you are absolutely going to love this Home Study Course because in addition to becoming a better public speaker, I?m going to show you how to plan and conduct seminars, and even how to make money from public speaking.

If you don?t like it, it is super easy to cancel. But basically all you have to do is put up $4.95 today. Try it out for 14 days. If you stay, you will be billed $47 each month for the next four months. If you cancel, no big deal. You won?t be billed anything further.

In addition to the first two weeks of content which include two teleseminars with experts on public speaking, and transcripts from those seminars, you are also going to get the Terri Harley interview "7 Simple and Easy Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking" as a free bonus. So you can clearly see that this is a good deal.

We begin the first week with facing your fear. In this interview, Dr. Cohen lays it all out on the table, our fears, our anxieties, and shows us not to ignore this fear, but how to make us stronger and a better public speaker.

An effective and powerful speaker realizes that without an appreciative audience that is hanging on your every word, your speech becomes a waste of time ? both for you and your audience.

In this module we focus on your audience, why they matter, and how to quickly understand the audience, even if they don?t say a word.

Get this right, and you will love speaking and your audience will love you. Get this wrong, and speaking will be a terrible chore.

Stage fright and performance anxiety afflicts most people in varying degrees. But we all experience it.

Even if you are not a professional speaker, at numerous points in your life you might be called to get up in front of people and speak. Whether it be in front of co-workers at a business, or in front of a Boy Scout troop meeting, or if we are being forced to speak in a public speaking course at college, we all know what it is like to experience fear and performance anxiety. And it can be debilitating

Janet Esposito, MSW, is a best selling author, coach, and workshop leader with more than a decade of experience in helping people who fear public speaking and performing. She experienced stage fright in a way that was so physical it was dehabilitating ? but she realized that to progress in her career, she had to learn how to overcome her fear of public speaking.

Janet is a well recognized authority on overcoming stage fright and fear of speaking in public. In our exclusive interview with Janet she shares:

In this home study course we talk a lot about visualizing your outcome for a successful public speech and presentation. But what the heck does that really mean?

Visualizing your successful public speaking presentation is more than just a mental exercise. It is essential to your success. Corinne McElroy has been speaking and coaching for over 22 years. She knows the special ingredients required for a successful and powerful speech. In this interview she shares:

Ok, let?s face it. Most of us aren?t funny. And when we try to be funny, it goes over with about as much finesse as a cast iron skillet.

But we all long to be able to give speeches which are not only packed with information, but are entertaining for the audience.

We are fortunate to have this exclusive interview with Mike Moore ? a very funny guy. In this interview Mike shares how to use humor to spice up speeches. Mike also shared several secrets on how to get started on becoming a well paid keynote speaker.

Wouldn?t you like being able to communicate in an effective and powerful way with your audience? In this interview, Pamela Cournoyer explains why the most important person in the room is not you, it is your audience. And that if you are paying attention, your audience will tell you how to talk to them.

Pamela was a horse trainer. Her expertise with training and watching horses and listening to what they were saying with their body language, has helped her become an observer of people.

You?ve got an audience, you have practiced your speech, and you are all set to give a powerful and entertaining speech.

What about your voice? Can your voice reach to the back seats of your audience? Is your voice command authority? Or is it weak? Does your voice get strained as you speak?

In the the interview for this week, we were able to corner Wendy Y Bailey, nationally known coach and trainer.

In this interview, Wendy Y Bailey (or WendyY as she is known to her friends and clients) gave up secret after secret. The interview was only supposed to be twenty minutes long, but WendyY rolled on for over 36 minutes, giving up more and more incredible information on how to really make a difference in public speaking and why you should take back control.

In our special interview with Tshombe Brown, he zeros in on how to? Read?more?


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